All-on-4 dental implantation

New beautiful teeth

Complete or large loss of teeth negatively affects both the general condition of the body and the configuration of the face. Diction changes, mimic wrinkles become more pronounced. Manifested by violations of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.

All-on-4, All-on-6 Implantation, this is a method of treating toothlessness in which 4 or 6 implants are fixed.

With this method, the implants are inserted according to a certain scheme, which allows you to fix a temporary structure 1-3 days after the installation of the implants.

Advantages of the All-on-4, All-on-6 design:

This is an opportunity to restore the entire dentition with a minimum number of implants.
Allows you to avoid bone grafting operations in cases of significant bone deficiency.
It helps to get rid of the psychological and physiological discomfort of the patient associated with the absence of teeth.
Get maximum results at minimum cost.

Marika Kublashvili

founder of the clinic, professor, surgeon implantologist

Safe and reliable way to restore lost teeth

We will carefully guide you through all stages of treatment

Diagnostics and preparation

Comprehensive diagnostics

Study of a computed tomogram, analysis of the state of the bone and soft tissues, selection and positioning of the implant, drawing up a treatment plan.

Санация полости рта

Prepare the oral cavity for the placement of the implants. We will stop all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Implantation and prosthetics

Installation of implants

Installing a temporary jaw

Fixing a permanent aesthetic design

Experienced implant surgeon

Фамилия Имя Отчество

Marika Kublashvili

Dentist surgeon implantologist.

Over 15 years of experience in the field of maxillofacial surgery and implantology. Without a doubt one of the best oral and maxillofacial surgeons in town. Most patients want to get an appointment with him and this is true, because the doctor has vast experience, on his account there are thousands of delivered implants, sinus lifts, bone plastic, periodontal intervention during implantation, one-stage implantation.

According to patients, he has “golden hands” and does the impossible. Once you get a consultation with Marika Kublashvili, you will definitely want to stay for treatment with this doctor.

The cost of total implantation and dental prosthetics


The Korean implant with the greatest recognition and distribution in Europe.

Installation of 4 Osstem implants
4000 €
Installation of 6 Osstem implants
6000 €

Cost of prosthetics on OSSTEM implants

Temporary fixed jaw
1000 €
Permanent esthetic fixed jaw
3000 €


The patented shape and coating give the highest stability, accelerating the process of implant integration with the bone.

Installation of 4 Nobel implants
4000 €
Installation of 6 Nobel implants
6000 €

Стоимость протезирования на имплантатах Nobel

Temporary fixed jaw
1000 €
Permanent esthetic fixed jaw
3000 €

Эстетичный протез верхней челюсти

Места фиксации верхней челюсти на имплантатах

Вид эстетичного несъемного протеза верхней челюсти

How much does the treatment cost
What will a smile look like?
How long will the treatment take?