Computed tomography of teeth

See everything for yourself

We try to make the diagnostic stage as informative and comfortable as possible for patients. We do not just conduct an examination, prescribe an X-ray, but document in detail all the problem areas, make a photo protocol so that the patient can visually assess the problem and understand what the doctor is talking about.

Sophio Gvazava

dentist therapist

Accurate diagnosis

Photo protocol is the standard of high-quality dentistry

3D tomogram

We carry out a detailed tomographic examination of two jaws

Detailed analysis

Step-by-step planning based on your priorities, in accordance with medical indications

Multiple treatment options

We draw up a treatment plan taking into account your wishes and medical indications

Price transparency

We explain all the subtleties and answer all questions

We would like to make our first meeting as comfortable as possible. Which of the following is important to you?

Help us become better for you

Marika Kublashvili

    The cost of diagnostics with a photo and dental consultations

    You will say "Thank you" to yourself for this!

    Sophio Gvazava
    dentist therapist

    50 ₾

    Detailed consultation with a detailed treatment plan in hand

    40 ₾

    X-ray image of the entire dentition.

    100 ₾

    Tomography of the dental system
    How much does the treatment cost
    What will a smile look like?
    How long will the treatment take?

    3D технологии диагностики
    и планирования

    Фотопротокол - это стандарт качественной стоматологии.

      Стоимость диагностики с фото
      и консультации стоматолога

      Вы скажете себе за это "Спасибо"!

      Фамилия Имя

      стоматолог - ортопед


      Подробная консультация

      с предоставлением подробного плана лечения на руки

      3 000 р.

      Ортопантомограмма (ОПТГ)

      Рентгенологический снимок всей зубочелюстной системы.

      3 500 р.

      Томография зубочелюстной системы
      Сколько стоит лечение?
      Как будет выглядеть улыбка?
      Сколько времени займет лечение?
      Три плана лечения, исходя из Ваших приоритетов и возможностей.

      Демонстрируем Ваше фото с будущей улыбкой.

      Выдаем на руки подробный поэтапный план лечения.